What are wax melts made of?

Our wax melts are created using the finest soy wax, vegan and cruelty free fragrance oils, and biodegradable plant based glitter and dyes.

How do i use them?

Our wax melts are perfect for tea light melters, and some electric melters. We do advise against oil burners as they tend to overheat the wax.

Simply snap off as many segments as your melter requires, (we advise adding one at a time to prevent over filling).

How long do they burn for?

This depends on your wax melter and how many you choose to burn at one time. We also advise using 4hr tea lights rather than the bigger 8hr (these will burn the fragrance much quicker).

How do i clean the wax out of my melter?

Simply pop a tea light in your melter, wait 30-40 seconds (until the wax just starts to heat) and press gently on the edge of the wax to pop it out, clean away any excess with a cotton ball.

How do i store them?

Our wax melts are perfectly packaged for storage but we do recommend keeping them in a cool dry place. If properly stored, they can retain their scent for up to 12 months.

Are your Bath & Body products suitable for sensitive skin?

Whilst all of our bath & body products are are assessed, they are not assessed specifically for sensitive skin. We have received numerous reports from customers with sensitive skin who have had positive experiences with Timeless Fragrance CO. products. However, please be aware that as skin types differ hugely, and as such, it is the sole responsibility of the customer to make this decision. The same can be said for use on children.